Apartment Sale

One of the things that I’ve wanted to do is have a garage sale. However this is a little hard when you don’t really have a garage. Or a yard.

So I’ve decided that I’m going to have an apartment sale to get rid of some of my stuff.

I’ll put everything I want to keep in my bedroom, shut the door. And everything I don’t want in my living room. Then people will come and buy my stuff and I’ll be a millionaire! Right?

My goal is to get rid of about 50% of my belongings. I would like to do this before I move (whenever this will be).

I want to get rid of my couch, TV, TV stand, china hutch, coffee table, some fans, most of my DVDs, some musical instruments, dining table and chairs, craft supplies, ect, ect, ect. I feel like I have enough stuff to warrant having my own sale.

What I’m thinking of doing is picking a weekend in late June to do one, then again in August (when the students come back to town) and then if I still have stuff left a last one in September. Then anything I don’t get rid of that I don’t want will be donated to charity.

The reason for multiple sales is that I can imagine that A) some stuff won’t get sold the first time around and B) that I’ll probably find more stuff I don’t want after a second or third pass through.

I moved to my apartment in the Midwest in two moving pods.

When I leave I want to use just one. Since I’ve acquired some furniture since I got here this will be quite an undertaking. I think I can do it. I may also have to get rid of more clothes. I don’t know why, but getting rid of clothes and books are two things that pain me a lot.

I’m also going to get a hard drive and put my three file drawers of paperwork on to the hard drive and then back them up onto a DVD. But I’ll need to get a better scanner than the one I have. I think the community college has a printer that you can use to scan things to file, so I may try to use that, since it will make it go MUCH faster. I’m going to get rid of the scanner I currently have (hopefully) in one of my apartments sales. The apartments I’m looking at in Kansas all have 24-hr business centers and my work will have printing. So I won’t need a personal printer anymore. NICE!

Anti-Procrastination Day 2

While I did get quite a bit of stuff done yesterday, I’m sure the list won’t seem as substantial as yesterday because a lot of it included things that took hours to do. So here is what I got accomplished yesterday:

  1. Finished picked up my closet. All the filing on Saturday left it a bit of a mess. You know, that messy that things get while you’re in the middle of making it neater? Anyway, I picked up everything from the floor, hung up my scuba gear, and organized all of my suitcases and bags.
  2. Hung things up. I hung up three items on the wall that I’ve been meaning to put up since I moved into this apartment. This didn’t take long but felt so good to finally get them hung up.
  3. Cleaned up my book shelves. While this may seem like a simple task, it was not. I had tons of crap piled on top of them. And they needed to be dusted. At the end of the day the shelves were cleaned up and dusted and the tops were organized very simply. One just has my stereo system on top now and the other has 3 pictures (two of which I framed yesterday) and two chemistry-relevant stuffed animals that I would hate if Jack got his way with them.
  4. Did my laundry. Not just the stuff that I like to wear, I did ALL of it. I’m one of those people whose laundry basket is always half full with items that I just don’t know what to do with. I DID SOMETHING with them! I washed them all, took those that needed to go to dry cleaning to dry cleaning. And now I have a completely empty basket. I even hung everything up. I didn’t get to cleaning my sheets. I’ll have to do that this week.
  5. Finished my crochet scarf. I finished the scarf I was working on yesterday. After felting it, it looks GORGEOUS! I decided right then and there that I should felt every scarf that I make because it makes them look fantastic.
  6. Worked on my step-dad’s quilt. This quilt will probably take another two weekends to finish, but I made significant progress on it. All I had done before was the top of the quilt. I laid it out and decided what to do with the back since one of the fabrics that I used isn’t made anymore. Once I figured that out I went to Joann’s and bought 2 yards of fabric to complete the back. I then spent the rest of the day cutting fabric, sewing, and pressing – while watching Sex and the City. I got the back about 80% done – which is fantastic considering it was 0% done when I started. It is looking really good and don’t worry, I’ll post pictures of it when I complete it. =)

I also realized when I was getting stuff together for the quilt that I had some Thankgiving and Christmas towels that I had bought years ago after the holidays on sale for making crocheted hanging towels with. My grandma had requested these a few years back. I bought enough of these towels some years ago to have enough to make 4 sets. So I’ll be sending these out to my grandma and three uncles for their holiday gifts. I did buy some yarn to make them (~$5) and I’ll need to get some buttons for them. Now I’ll only have to make 4 dozen cookies! Also, they were selling holiday tins at Joann’s for 50% off. But I’m debating getting holiday tins for $3 each or just mailing the cookies in tupperware with a bow on it so at least the container is reusable.

Overall, I’d say that my Anti-Procrastination Weekend was exceptionally successful!

I got so much done that I had been meaning to do. Also, if kept me from being “lonely” my first weekend without Mr. Cousin around. (Being busy is the key to not feeling lonely, for sure!) It also really helped de-stress me from a particularly painful Friday at work. It was such a bad day that I was up till 4am on Friday night STEAMING over the events. Keeping busy was the only thing I could do on Saturday to prevent me from calling up some of my labmates and just yelling at them. So I’m VERY glad to have had a plan for the weekend.

Strangely, my anti-procrastination made me want to spend money that I hadn’t want to spend before. For instance, I realized that I really want a small, plastic set of drawers for my closet to put my extra electronic stuff in to. Right now it is all in a cardboard box. Which functionally works, but astetically is not very pretty. I also spent money on dry cleaning and pant alterations – which I wouldn’t have paid for otherwise. In addition, I now really want to get my car detailed, which will cost me at least $100. I also ended up spending money on craft items I normally wouldn’t have bought, since I was procrastinating on doing them.

Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps it is the money issue that has kept me procrastinating on doing these things? I’ve wanted to save  money, so I’ve simply put off doing things that I know I will have to spent money on in order to complete? It is a theory, but I doubt that fully covers all of the things I’ve been procrastinating on!

At the end of the weekend, though I have accomplished a lot, I still have more things that I want to do:

  • Buy a vacuum – I just have two broken ones right now. However, Mr Cousin has loaned me his for the time being. (Don’t worry, how things went with the “exchange of stuff” will be a subject for a later post)
  • Clean off my patio – leaves have collected and I need to winterize my patio-garden
  • Clean my fan and cobwebs around the apartment
  • Finish the Harry Potter scarf I started two years ago
  • Finish my step-dad’s quilt
  • Start my sister’s pillow and pillows to match my step-dad’s quilt
  • Take my bike out for a ride before the weather gets too cold
  • Go for a hike in the nearby national forest with Jack (will probably do this Thanksgiving Day, it is sort of a tradition with Jack and I)
  • Reorganize my bills – either in 3-ring binders or digitally via FB’s paperless method

Perhaps the weekend after Thanksgiving will have to be another anti-procrastination weekend!

Anyway, I have appreciated all of your supportive comments. They really motivated me to keep on plugging away. I can definitely see an anti-procrastination weekend happening every month. It was invigorating and I felt very accomplished.

Anti-Procrastination Day 1

Since it is after my “quitting time” rule of 10p (though I technically didn’t stop my anti-procrastinating activities until 11pm) I decided that I was fine to get back on the internet and give an update on how things are going.

Here is what I got accomplished today:

  1. Went running. Jack and I both had a nice run together – he’s starting to get better at running with me – but perhaps that is because I don’t go that far? I’m going to test him on a slightly longer run tomorrow morning and find out.
  2. Cleaned up the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher, filled it again, emptied it again (I had been procrastinating on both doing my dishes and cooking for the past 2 or so weeks, it was not a pretty site!)
  3. Cleaned out the trash in my car – even the trunk and the side pockets where papers build up! I need to get the interior detailed. I went to one car wash place to get a quote, but they didn’t do as extensive of a detailing as I want. Yes, I know that I can do this myself for cheaper, but quite honestly the state of my floors are disgusting. I would rather get it to a clean point and self-maintain afterwards. I’ll use my “fund money” to pay for this.
  4. Cleaned the shower, bathroom sink, and bathroom mirror. Both in dire need – for the shower this was the first time in 2009 I had thoroughly cleaned it… yes, I’m not the neatest of people – have we figured that out yet?
  5. Organized all of my mail from the past two years. I had two huge piles of mail in the bedroom and in the closet starting from the first month I moved to the midwest (January 2008) – I finally got it organized into file folders. Now I just need to get a shredder to destroy some of my previous bills. I’ve decided that the best way for me to organize my bills may not be file folders, but instead 3-ring binders with tab separators. I’ll give this some more thought before the next wave of bills comes. Also, going through this reaffirmed that I need a landing strip for mail that need attention within the next 30 days.
  6. Dropped a pair of pants I bought in August 2008 off at a tailor’s to get hemmed. I’ve only worn them once with ridiculous heels (and still they were too long). The pants are super cute and make my butt look really great – but I never got around to getting them altered – until today! They’ll be ready to pick up next week.
  7. Dropped off my clothes from September’s closet purge to Goodwill. (Note, in the first picture in that post of my full closet you can just make out the huge pile of papers that I had to file underneath my shirts – and that was HALF of the pile – with the other half stacked up on my bookshelf in my bedroom) Also managed to pick up an Express jacket and an Ann Taylor jacket that are both super cute and were EXACTLY what I was planning on buying for myself next weekend during the sales for $11. I feel so thrifty I’m thinking I may never shop in a real store again after seeing all the great stuff at the Goodwill. There were also some Ann Taylor pants that I really liked in my size – but I don’t need any more dress up pants right now – so I forgo the extra $3.99 expense.
  8. Dropped off my recycling. No real explanation needed here right?
  9. Cleaned up my scuba gear. I was REALLY nervous about this. My gear had been in my trunk since June 2008. I had fear that there would be mold or something else like that. To my pleasant surprise, while there was mold in my trunk because of a leaking seal on the trunk door (another reason I want professional detailing) – none of my gear had mold on it – only one of the two zippers to my dive bag wouldn’t open, which isn’t a huge deal. The gear did stink though. I soaked it all in water and listerine (alcohol kills any bacteria and makes it smell minty fresh!) for about two hours and it has been hanging up to dry ever since. It should be done by tomorrow morning and I’ll put the gear in its proper location then. I’m hoping to be able to use the gear in January when I’m back in Southern California. I’ll be in Ventura 7 days at a conference, so I’m hoping that one of the afternoons I’ll be able to make it out to the Channel Islands for some diving.
  10. Worked on a crocheted scarf. I had started this last November when I was dating Cpt. Baseball. I hadn’t touched it since about March. I’m about 10 rows from being finished. It is a wool scarf, so I’m planning on felting it. I’m debating giving this away as a Christmas present. Don’t tell Okturn Delmoniq, but I’m thinking about sending it to him. 😉
  11. Cleaned up the cat litter box. Also bought my kitties new food and some new litter liners. However, I forgot to buy new litter and used the last of it today, so I’ll have to pick some up within the week.

Whew… it was a busy day! In addition to all that above I also went to work for about 20 minutes. However, it made me so livid that I almost had a nervous breakdown right then and there. That is a subject for another post though.

Tomorrow I plan on finishing up some of the cleaning and organizational stuff in my apartment in the morning and then working on my craft projects that I’ve been putting off in the afternoon. Hopefully that will make it be a less hectic and more relaxing Sunday. Also, Mr. Cousin is coming over tomorrow for the end-of-relationship stuff exchange. That should be… interesting…

Making My Apartment Lovely

There a lot of little things (and big things) that I want to get for my apartment to make it a little nicer. So I’ve decided that once a month I’ll purchase myself one item (let’s say $75 max for a month) to make my apartment a little nicer and go along with my apartment therapy.

Here is the list that I’ve put together so far:

1) Silver frames for the pictures in my living room so they are all the same color – I want them all silver, but don’t care about the style – just so long as color-wise they all match and they are matte rather than shiny.

2) A basket or blanket rack in my living room for my blankets. I love to cuddle up with them, but current they’re in a pile next to the couch – which I hate.  The one shown below is available from Amazon, so I may purchase it in the future with some discount from my Amazon.com giftcards from Swagbucks.

3) Mail holder for my “Landing Strip”.

4) Frames for my Peter Hurd prints to be hung in my bathroom.

That’s it for now, I think. None of these items are pressing, nor are they necessary, but I’d like to have them to make my apartment a little bit more beautiful to be in.

Another Saturday!

Not quite as busy as the one that I had last week, but I still have quite a few things planned:

1) Pick up the kitchen – CHECK

2) Donate plasma – CHECK – I went, and found out that my veins are too small to donate plasma. I always knew they were small – I didn’t realize they were THAT tiny. =(

3) Go in to work for a little while – CHECK

4) Do Week 4 of Apartment Therapy: My living room (I’ll post some pictures of this, as well) – CHECK – Pictures and a post to come soon!

5) Convert my all laptop hard drive into a portable hard drive – CHECK

6) Return items to library – CHECK

7) Cook a delicious pre-made meal – – CHECK – BTW… for those of you who are interested, the TV dinner enchiladas that I made with rice and beans were FANTASTIC. They were SO GOOD that I couldn’t believe that I made them. I did it a bit differently than the recipe called for, so I don’t feel TOO BAD posting my version of this delicious feast. It has been the only pre-made meal out of the three different ones that I made that I’ve eaten so far and I find it fantastic. =)

Getting Stuff Done This Weekend!

I’m really pumped about this weekend. For some reason I anticipate that I’ll get a lot done and I’m really motivated to do it. So here is my list of what I hope to accomplish Friday evening and all day Saturday (I’m definitely planning on Sunday being my “day of rest” – also I’m tutoring on Sunday evening).

  • Vacuum and mop all my floors
  • Go through my closets and reduce my clothes by at least 50% via Move to Portugal‘s method of parring down one’s closet
  • Make 2-3 meals for the rest of the week using Once a Month cooking methods (including shopping for ingredients at the Farmer’s Market tomorrow morning)
  • RUN
  • Bring in all the stuff from my car and give it a home in my apartment or put it in my Outbox
  • Take my recycling to the recycle center
  • Start Apartment Therapy Week 4 – my living room!
  • Take clothes I don’t want that can be resold to the consignment shop – the rest go in the Outbox
  • Back up half my DVDs I want to backup
  • Shop online to start pricing external harddrives for backing up all my paperwork
  • Set a place aside to hold the Christmas presents I’ve bought so far – so I don’t overbuy for people

As you can see, I have a lot of stuff that I want to get done in the next 36 hours. (Well, once I leave work… which I’m planning on leaving early so I can vacuum before I have to pick Jack up – since he hates the vacuum)

Tidbits and Miscellaneous

1) Surveys.

I finally cashed out on my first survey site (Opinion Outpost), for $6.20. I’m also one survey away from cashing out at Toluna (for $10). I’ve added the total that I’ve cashed out at Opinion Outpost to my Earn More September total. I’m getting close to my $200 goal and still have a lot more plans in the works! If you want to see exactly where each penny is going, please check out my Google Document. The survey I did yesterday for Opinion Outpost was actually really interesting, about my thoughts on the music industry and the prosecution of people who illegally stole music and what role internet service providers play in the ordeal. I really enjoyed taking it!

2) Apartment Therapy

I have decided that I’m going to insert additional work into my 8 Week Apartment Therapy to take care of my car. My car is a disaster and has become a storage place for much of the crap in my life since I had to rescue it all after breaking up with Cpt Baseball. Now I’m embarassed to have anyone in it. So Week 3B in my Apartment Therapy journey will be cleaning out my car and putting the things in it either in my Outbox or into a place of their own in my apartment. I may do this concurrently with Week 4 (my living room) or add an extra week into the program, I’ll keep you abreast come Saturday when I have time to spend on it.

3). My UTI.

My UTI seems now to be completely cleared up. I still have one more day of antibiotics to take, but I have been peeing pain free for the past two days. WHAT A RELIEF!

Mid-Month Review

Since it is September 15th, I thought I’d look back at the first half of the month and see what progress I’ve made and what I can change for the second half.

Here are my goals:

¤ Start a running program. FAIL! I have however been walking more, which is a start. But two miles a day of walking does not a 5K run make… I have two weeks to get this running started!

¤ Make $200 in the Earn More Challenge. So-Far-So-Good. I set up my Etsy shop, but haven’t added my crochet projects to it. I’ve gotten myself two independent tutorees, so that’s an extra $40/week. Because of my UTI, I haven’t gone to donate plasma – I want to wait until I’m infection free. I looked up yesterday how much the pants I want to sell are worth, and it looks like I’ll be able to sell them on eBay for about $15-20 each (NICE!) – so I’ll either take them down to consignment or list them on eBay this weekend – I’ll worry about the rest of my clothes when I get to that week in Apartment Therapy. I’ve picked up all the change I’ve found on the street and have been putting it into a bowl in my bathroom, but I haven’t counted it recently. I’ve completed quite a few surveys, and am one away from cashing out for $10 on one site. So I’m doing pretty well in the Challenge, but of course I could always be doing better. I think I’ll probably end up with close to $350 when this month is over of extra income, which is pretty damn spiffy!

¤ Cancel my cable. FAIL! I have yet to do this. My billing cycle ends October 4th, so it needs to be done before then.

¤ Apartment Therapy. CHECK! I’ve just started Week 3. I can feel my go-gettin’ feeling getting a little weak, so I need to recharge myself for the next few weeks to come.

¤ Identify Research Ideas. CHECK! I’ve written a 3-page document so far. It is COMPLETE CRAP, but my goal was just to get something written. Also, it gives me something to do at work when I’m having a 30-60 minute down time. Thus, it has also helped me from going crazy at work. =D

¤ Stay Current on Adjunct Grading. CHECK! I’ve been up-to-date thus far and plan on remaining current for the rest of the semester.

¤ Make sure that my paycheck is straightened out. CHECK! The paycheck has been straintened out and I now know what my salary will be for the remainder of the year.

So that is how things are going so far, I’ve made some pretty significant progress on my goals. However one thing I completely failed in (thus far) was staying in budget. Hopefully the second half of the month I’ll be much more diligent on keeping my spending in control. A lack of mini-vacations over the weekends and no more doctor co-pays should help with that! =D

Apartment Therapy Week 3

I’m currently undergoing Apartment Therapy to make my home a more enjoyable place to live. This week is Week #3, if you’d like to read about what happened during the first week, please see this post on Week #1 and Week #2.

So here is what I have to do for Week 3:

  • Vacuum, dust and mop (wet or dry) throughout your home
  • Clean your entrance and any related closets
  • Arrange to have all repairs taken care of in the next three weeks
  • Declutter your entrance
  • Move all old mail, catalogs and magazines to the outbox
  • Look into what you would need to create a landing strip
  • Cancel any unused subscriptions
  • Identify cool rooms and warm rooms
  • Apply the 80/20 color rule
  • Cook two meals at home this week

Vacuum, dust and mop (wet or dry) throughout your home

Ugh… I feel like I just vacuumed everything. However, looking around the apartment I realize that I do in fact need to vacuum again. I’ve been borrowing Mr. Cousin‘s vacuum for the last few weeks, so I’ve decided that one of the tasks I’ll give myself this week is to spend some time trying to fix my broken vacuum.

Clean your entrance and any related closets

My apartment opens straight up into my living room, and my living room closet it used for my litter box. So I just had my half wall between my living room and dining room to clean up. It now looks fantastic. I also put a box near the front door with Jack’s toys. He has already realized that is where they go and when he wants to play he goes over there and pulls out a toy of choice. I then put them up at the end of the day before going to bed. It has worked out well thus far.

Arrange to have all repairs taken care of in the next three weeks

Because of how my apartment complex does repairs, I’ll have to submit each report individually. But I only have 4 that I need from them: trim the trees in the backyard, fix one light in bathroom, fix fan in bathroom,  get touch-up paint (if possible). I’ll have to have Jack in boarding on the days they come, so I may need to put him in boarding for a few extra days to get these things done. However, it is totally worth it to get all of my things done on my repair list.

Declutter your entrance

Done as part of the cleaning.

Move all old mail, catalogs and magazines to the outbox

Okay, I haven’t done this yet. I did go through the mail that I have in the living room and move it to my bedroom, however, I didn’t move anything to the outbox. I tend to throw things away every few weeks, like magazines and junk mail. However, I don’t really have a “place” for my mail. It will pile up on my half wall and then I’ll move it to my coffee table and then I’ll move it to my bedroom and eventually move it to a pile in my closet and finally, maybe twice a year, I’ll file it into my filing cabinets. So I realized this weekend that I need to modify my mail system. Part of the problem is that I don’t have a “place” for paperwork at home. I don’t have a desk or office space at home – and quite frankly, I don’t want one.

So I’m contemplating moving all my bills and paperwork to work. I have a locked drawer at work that only I have access to and can keep my financial paperwork there. I’ll have to go through the extra step of taking all of my paperwork with me to work once a week or so, but considering I pay all my bills at work anyway and I don’t like having the clutter at home – this may be a useful alternative.

Alternatively, I’ve also considered putting my immediate mail that needs attention in a new rack (like the one pictured below) and weekly move mail to a filing system I’ll need to put in place in my bedroom. This is something that I’ll have to consider for the next few weeks, as I will be addressing my closet and filing system in a few weeks when I address the dreaded closet. =)

Look into what you would need to create a landing strip

The term “landing strip” here is meant as a place where I’ll put my stuff when I come in the door. Mail, keys, cellphone, dog leash, ect. I hung up a hook on the wall for Jack’s leash, it is really cute – it looks like a dog’s tail. It holds his two leashes and his collar.

As for the rest of the landing strip, I’ve been looking at a lot of pictures online of different landing strips and it seems like most people have a nice little foyer area or place like that, I don’t have a room for a coat rack in my apartment. And currently I use my half-wall to put my keys, cell phone, and sunglasses on.

Like I mentioned previously, I’m not sure what I’m going to do about the mail issue. I either might put up a rack on the wall or move it directly to work, I’ve yet to figure out what I’m going to do about this.

Cancel any unused subscriptions

Thankfully, I don’t have any unused subscriptions. I’ve Green Dimed my mail, which has saved me tons of stress in my mailbox. =)

Identify cool rooms and warm rooms

I went through and the only rooms where I really have color schemes are my living room, bathroom and bedroom. My living room is definitely warm colors. My bedroom is cool (yet somehow I FEEL warm in it and comforted? How does that work?). My bathroom is also warmer colors.

Apply the 80/20 color rule

I think I’ve done this by default in decorating my rooms. The main burst of color in my living room is my green couch, the rest of the room is very neutral. I also have one small orange painting on the wall that punctuates everything, but for the most part it is all very neutral and centered around the green in my couch.

My kitchen has no real color scheme because it is a typical apartment kitchen. However, I’ve put blue/white/red cushions on my chairs in the dining room and blue and white potholders hanging above the stove.

As for the bedroom, I’ve actually put quite a lot of effort into making the bedroom a place where I want to be. I centered it around this beautiful painting I got at Ikea. I have a gorgeous bedframe on my bed, two dark wood bookcases, and bed sheets that bring out some of the accent colors in the painting.

Cook two meals at home this week

I made some Butter Curry Chicken for dinner this weekend and also am planning on making some Garlic Chicken for dinner tomorrow. Making two meals at home this week – Check! – no problem here. =)

Apartment Therapy Week 2

I’m currently undergoing Apartment Therapy to make my home a more enjoyable place to live. This week is Week #2, if you’d like to read about what happened during the first week, please see this post on Week #1.

So here is what I have to do for Week 2:

  • Fix one thing in my apartment myself
  • Clean my kitchen from top to bottom and throw away old food
  • Buy a water filter and use it
  • Run your hands over every wall in your apartment
  • Clear space for an Outbox
  • Clear one surface and use the Outbox
  • Buy fresh flowers
  • Determine your style
  • Find a new recipe and cook one meal at home

Fix one thing in my apartment myself

I fixed my remotes. That’s something right? The batteries were dead in them and my battery charger broke mysteriously the past month. So while at Ikea I bought 10 batteries for $2. I’d rather have bought a new battery charger, but will probably end up buying one on Amazon with the giftcards I’ve earned through Swagbucks. While this wasn’t something that was on my original list of things to fixed, it is something that I did myself and more over NEEDED to be done. It was a little embarrassing when Mr Cousin and I were watching a movie and I had to take the batteries out of my TV remote to put into my DVD remote. I mean seriously, it isn’t like batteries cost THAT much that I should feel like I can only have two for my entire living room.

Clean my kitchen from top to bottom and throw away old food

The book recommends that this be done on the weekend or spread out over a few nights. I got it done in about 4 hours. It was a little easier than I think the book was imagining because I’m not a person who stores a lot of food in my apartment. In fact, every guy I’ve dated since moving to the Midwest has commented that my fridge resembles a bachelor’s fridge. I’ve even considered on a few occasions just getting a mini-fridge and unplugging the big thing just to save money on electricity. I mean, I have a few veggies, some frozen chicken, and butter. I shop for the week, and generally only buy things that I’m going to make within the next 10 days at most. So I didn’t have a lot of food to get rid of.

However, I did clean up all the counters, do all my dirty dishes (two dishwasher loads worth, yuck), clean the grease pans on the stove, give the stove a thorough clean down, cleaned the top of the fridge, cleared off stuff on my counters that I didn’t need anymore, cleaned up my dining room table, and cleared out some boxes that I had in the dining room from moving here (1 year and a half ago).

When I was at Ikea yesterday I also picked up new seat cushions for my dining room chairs as part of my therapy. My old ones were just covered in hair to the point where I didn’t even WANT to clean them. The new ones were $6 a piece and have removable covers which should make them easier to clean up when they do get cat hair on them.

Buy a water filter and use it

I already have a Brita filter on my sink. I use it all the time. I just replace the filter on it two weeks ago, so it is good to go. BTW… for those of you who don’t have a water filter on your faucet or in your fridge, I can’t recommend them enough. They are so much better for the environment than bottled water and they make your tap water taste like bottled water. So you save a lot of money and you have great tasting water all the time – it is a win-win situation. They are super cheap, like $30 or so. I fully endorse getting one if you don’t already have one.

Run your hands over every wall in your apartment

Okay, this one seems a little weird. I haven’t done it. I’m not sure if I will. I mean – I guess this helps me get in touch with my apartment? I dunno… I’m not feeling it (literally or figurative, I suppose).

Clear space for an Outbox

So the place in my kitchen that was formerly occupied by old moving boxes now contains my “Outbox” – which is essentially a holding place for all the items that I’m not sure that I want to get rid of. It is supposed to be a place where I can emotionally detach from the objects before deciding what to do with them. Currently my old water cooler, a stuff animal from an ex-boyfriend, a small A1 sauce trinket from an old roommate and an old cat dish are in the Outbox. I have a feeling that my outbox will really just become a collecting spot before sending things to Goodwill. But the week that everything HAS to remain in the Outbox will give me a good idea of what I want to do with the things I put in there.

Clear one surface and use the Outbox

Technically, I didn’t clear just one surface, I cleared my entire kitchen. Just most of the stuff didn’t make it into the Outbox, it was directly deposited into the trash. For some reason deep cleaning lessens my emotional ties to my things. However, the Outbox is still there for the things I’m not sure about. =)

Buy fresh flowers

Okay, so every time I went to the grocery store last week I looked at the flowers. And I didn’t buy any for one reason or another. And I almost bought a pineapple plant at Ikea, but then realized that a plant and fresh cut flowers serve different purposes. The whole idea of the flowers is to be something temporary that makes your apartment beautiful for the week.  I did bring a vase from work (my dad gave me flowers at work for my birthday last year) to my apartment so that I can put flowers in it. Also, I’m still a tight wad – so I don’t want to spend more than $5 for a bunch of flowers that are just going to die in a few days. That leaves very few options. We’ll see – I need to just suck up and buy the flowers – cause I know I will love them.

Determine your style

I did this really fun quiz on Sproost and found out that I’m Vintage Modern with a little bit Hollywood Couture.  I’m not sure what the whole point of finding this out is, since I’m not planning on buying any new furniture, but it was fun to do none the less.

Find a new recipe and cook one meal at home

Okay, I can see how the me of a year ago would need to be told to cook one meal at home in the course of a week. But the me of the last 8-9 months has been cooking at least two meals a week at home every week (I always cook for 4, even though I am only one, so I can have left-overs for lunch). I actually have been switching up the cookbooks that I use, and have made some really delicious things recently. However, because the book is asking, this week I’ll make one thing I’ve never made before. AND I’ll make it this evening: Banana Bread. And, since Mr Cousin gave me 7 ripe bananas for bread, I may even get REALLY adventurous and also make a loaf of Banana Peanut Butter Bread!

So that is how my Apartment Therapy is going this week. I’m really loving it. I actually and thoroughly enjoying cleaning up my place, making it beautiful and livable again. Yeah, it isn’t the most frugal thing I could be doing, but I’ve only spent $15 at it so far – so that ain’t bad. 😉