Where the heck have I been?

Guys, I feel like I’ve lost all touch with this blog.

I was at a conference last week and I THOUGHT I would have decent internet. But the Sheraton I was at had such horrible internet I was DYING for a dial-up. Oh horror of horrors. Every page took 20 minutes to load, if that. So I did the bare minimum stuff that I needed to do and then got off before I strangled someone.

Somehow with the shitty internet I managed to double pay my rent. I got home and found a pile of “Important Tax Documents” and I have NO IDEA where any of my money is right now. On top of the fact that I need to get some reimbursements done for the trip.

I need to get my financial house back in order ASAP, however I’m far too busy catching up with “real life” work to do so.

Needless to say, the conference was an epic success. I feel so confident now in my next steps as a chemist. It really was exactly what I needed. =)

8 thoughts on “Where the heck have I been?

  1. Hotels either seem to have 1) Free but sloooow internet or 2) Pay $15 a day internet. It’s pretty sad when their slow internet is worse than 3G on an iphone.

  2. glad you’re back, I love reading your blog! I hope we get to see some scuba diving pics…I’ve always wanted to go, my Dad used to go a lot when I was younger and I’ve seen him videos and pics and things. I did actually get to use scuba equipment one time in a shallow pool at Club Med but that doesn’t really count!

  3. Welcome back! I kept checking back to see if you’d posted but no love. 😦

    I’m glad that the conference was worth being disconnected for so long. Isn’t it ironic that the best free wi-fi can only be found at the cheapest discount hotels? It’s insane how much internet costs at nicer hotels.

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